1. Paint is Peeling or Chipping
If your paint is peeling or chipping, it’s likely due to one of two reasons: poor surface preparation or using the wrong type of paint. To avoid this problem, make sure you prep your surfaces properly by cleaning them with a pressure washer and sanding away any old paint or debris. Once your surfaces are clean and smooth, choose a high-quality paint that’s designed for the specific surface you’re painting (e.g., latex for wood siding).

2. Paint is Cracking
Another common exterior painting problem is cracking paint. This usually happens when paint is applied to a surface that’s too hot or humid, or when it’s applied over an unstable surface (like bare wood). To avoid cracked paint, always check the weather forecast before you start painting and make sure you’re using a primer designed for the surface you’re painting. You can also use heat-resistant paint to minimize the risk of cracking.

3. Paint is Bleeding Through
If you’re seeing paint bleed through your topcoat, it means the underlying layer of paint isn’t fully dry yet. This problem can be caused by several factors, including using a low-quality paint, not allowing enough drying time between coats, or applying too much paint at once.To fix this problem, sand away any wet paint and apply a new layer of primer before repainting. Make sure you allow adequate drying time between each coat of primer and paint—we recommend 24 hours for best results.

4. Paint Brush Strokes are Visible
Another common issue is visible brush strokes in your newly painted surface. This usually happens when you use a low-quality brush or don’t properly prep your surfaces before painting. To avoid this problem, invest in high-quality brushes and rollers specifically designed for exterior painting. And don’t forget to properly prep your surfaces beforehand!